Week 4 brings us this important question!
How can I have faith? Last week we discussed “Why Jesus Died?” and we had a rich discussion about forgiveness and sin. As a group we landed that forgiving someone and confession in sin means different things if you have faith or you don’t have faith. We had three new people join us on Tuesday and fit right in – it’s not too late to join us at all!
You have things to contribute to the discussion as we look back over some of the fundamentals in our Christianity. Ask someone who has attended their thoughts about the time we spend together if you are worried or don’t think it is for you. Fr. Geoff or I are happy to answer any questions along the way, simply reach out!
Blessings to you this week, and we hope to see you on Tuesday using the coffee hour link to join the session.
Click here to join the Alpha Course Zoom session on Tuesday at 7pm
We hope you will consider joining this little community to question, discussion and share.