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Katherine Jones

Interim Office Administrator & Rentals


Katherine is joining the St. Peter and St. Simon’s Office team this spring to help bridge between the well-deserved retirement of the amazing Rosemary Hendra and the arrival of our new permanent Office Administrator. She is excited to be able to help out the wonderful SPSS community while she is here!

Katherine is trained in records management and archival work, and has spent the last decade or so working in various organizations in the public and private sectors helping manage organizational records.

She is also a longtime member of the parish choir, having joined when she moved downtown in 2012. She has a family connection to the parish in fact, as her grandfather, father, and  uncle all sang in the St. Simon’s choir in the 50s. She has sung in Anglican church choirs since she was 6 or so, and loves being able to be a part of the community of faith through music ministries.

Katherine is in the office Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, from 10 am – 3 pm.  If you are interested in booking our space, you may find general information and photos here.  For more detailed information please contact the office directly.