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Choir Rehearsal

525 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Our Choir rehearses, Thursday 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.  Made up of professional and volunteer singers, many of its members have had extensive training or experience as choral and solo singers, but newcomers are always welcome to join us.  The choir sings year-round. During this time of global pandemic, our choir is pre-recording music on Thursday […]


Altar Guild

The Church of St. Peter and St. Simon-the-Apostle 525 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Every week a team of volunteers comes into the church to prepare the space for worship on Sunday.  In volunteering their time this team takes on the task of caring for the ‘vessels, vestments, and linens’ that are the props for the Sunday Eucharist and worship service. The National Altar Guild Association describes them as […]


Lent Wednesday Eucharist online

The Church of St. Peter and St. Simon-the-Apostle 525 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

During the season of Lent, we will offer a 11 am Wednesday Eucharist online. This will be a simple service with live music, a homily reflecting on the readings, and some organ music. You can follow the service from our YouTube Channel or directly from the homepage of our website.